Proving Your Personal Injury Case After An Accident

When you have been injured in an accident and another party is responsible, you may have a personal injury lawsuit on your hands. When negligence has been established, the next step of your case will be to prove that your injuries are significant and that they are a direct result of the accident you were in. There are a number of ways to strengthen your case, and you will need to gather as much information as possible regarding the accident and your medical treatment.

Treatment Matters in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

As the injured party seeking damages, you must be in active treatment for your injuries. You can't claim that you have been seriously injured, yet not meet with any treatment providers for your injuries. Your doctors and other providers will be the people who will attest to your injuries and the severity of your problems as a result of the accident. Well documented visits with your providers to treat your injuries will be a critical piece to your personal injury lawsuit.

Following Medical Advice is Also Important in a Personal Injury Case

Going to providers to treat your injuries is essential, but so is following the advice of your treatment providers. You will want to show that not only are you seeking help for your injuries, but that you are following through with all medical advice given. This means that if you are supposed to be going to physical therapy to improve or restore bodily mobility, you should be attending all physical therapy appointments until your provider states you are at a medical end to treatment.

Previous Medical Problems May be Taken Into Consider

If you have been out of work off and on because of a low back problem, you will have difficulty proving that you sustained a new low back injury as the result of your recent accident. While this can be a grey area, it's important to remember that previous medical problems should be resolved in order for a new injury to be proven. This means that if an old injury exists, your physician has deemed you medically healthy and ready to return to work prior to the accident. It is possible that you have injured the area again, but it will be more difficult for you to prove.

If you have been hurt in an accident and you are ready to talk with an attorney, it's time to call a qualified personal injury lawyer like Gibbs and Parnell.
